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Bill Servator Zombified

Bill Servator Zombified

Pack Bill Servator Zombified


Contient :
- Dessin original à l'encre de chine et aquarelle sur papier Canson 310g 29,7x42cm - oeuvre unique
- Dessin original à l'encre de chine sur papier Canson 310g 21x14,85cm - oeuvre unique
- Miniguide de la Mythologeny imprimé en sérigraphie à l'atelier

- Original drawing done by china ink and watercolor on Canson paper 180g 29,7x42cm - unique piece
- Original drawing done by china on Canson paper 180g 21x14,85cm - unique piece
- Tinyguide of the Mythologeny printed in silkscreen at the studio (in french)

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